Brotherhood: The Pursuit

Brotherhood: The Pursuit


The Pursuit is a 40-week, video-driven discipleship curriculum designed to empower men to become who God has created them to be.

The Pursuit challenges men to model their lives and their manhood after Jesus. The goal is simple: if we are to become the men God intends us to be, we must pattern our lives after the example set by God when he became a man.

The Pursuit will equip men with the tools they need to be better men in eight different characteristics modeled by Christ:

  • Identity

  • Integrity

  • Purpose

  • Surrender

  • Passion

  • Commitment

  • Compassion

  • Influence


    Each week we will share a video that features the teaching of Rick Burgess, best-selling author and co- host of the nationally syndicated radio show, The Rick and Bubba Show. Then we will have a time of discussion and interaction in an effort to empower men to grow in Christlikeness.

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